Saturday, April 17, 2010

Espada Gets A Challenger

Desiree Hunter.JPG
Peripatetic Bronx Sen. Pedro Espada of coup fame will be getting a challenge in the form of Desiree Pilgrim-Hunter, a community organizer who's kicking off her candidacy tomorrow.

Pilgrim-Hunter, president of Fordham Hill Cooperative Apartments, came out swinging, with her team noting in their news release today that Espada was called "a carpetbagger, coward, cynic, scofflaw, deadbeat, pal of thieves" by the DN's editorial page.

She told the NYT's City Room that she wants to "offer the district a fresh start."

Pilgrim-Hunter has signed on with BerlinRosen and fundraiser Lisa Hernandez-Gioia, wife of former City Councilman Eric Gioia.

No immediate word on the challenge from Espada, who made much news this week with his suggestion that the offices of public advocate and borough president should be abolished, and who's having a rent freeze rally in Albany on Monday.

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