Saturday, March 6, 2010

Governors Lawyers Negotiate Non Criminal Exit

Governors Lawyers Negotiate Non Criminal Exit

By Gary Tilzer

It all fits. Everyone knows including Paterson that he will go before his term is up. The Governor cconsults with a powerful law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind to handle the charges of jury tampering. His main investigator meets in secret with the man who would become governor Attorney general and lieutenant governor hold secret meeting The father of the AG comes out with a statement that says Mario Cuomo: I want to see Paterson finish his term Is the former gov trying to give his son more time to allow Paterson to pass a budget before resigning. So Andrew can escape getting involved in a budget that will cut millions in services? Keep in mind that this years state budget will be negotiated by Two Men in a Room - Silver and Sampson. Dysfunction Displaces Work in a Distracted Albany

Paterson gets set to meet with investigators Paterson Insists He’ll Clear His Name His ex commissioner of the Division of Criminal Justice Services and deputy secretary of public safety for the state of New York resigned last week because she said about the jury tampering "I cannot condone and will not defend behavior that is the antithesis of what many of us have spent our entire careers working to build. Ex-commish tells of outrage over Paterson abuse-case

Paterson will sign anything they give him. The legislature cannot impeach Paterson. If they try that he will appoint a Seabury type commission to investigate corrupt state legislatures under the Moreland Act. MORELAND ACT DATES BACK TO 1907 *** Moreland Act of 1907: Governors' Strong Suit Remember the problems Rockefeller caused by appointing Nadijari NYT Knifed Nadjari Commission Best Hope Court Reform That why the most powerful man in Albany does not mention impeachment (he also has knowledge of the legal deal in the works) Silver: Answer all the allegations now! Meanwhile the NYP and DN continue to attack Paterson Time to pack it in, Dave (NYP Ed) *** Gov. Paterson's photo op at JFK restaurant opening can't mask his crumbling reputation (DN) Even the Black leaders who met at Sylvia's Thursday night decided are giving him time to negotiate. If they asked him to resign reports are he would have done so, instead they released a statement that Paterson is entitled to the presumption of innocence until the investigation is finished. An investigation they already know will finish the first black governor.

"I, at all times, upheld the oath of my office and never at any point attempted to influence or coerce anyone to do anything they didn't want to do" Paterson

How come it takes over a year to investigate the council slush fund when Paterson investigation is taking a few short weeks?
The Daily News reported on June 24, 2008 that U.S. Attorney Michael Garcia asked the NYS Supreme Court to delay for 90 days a special inquiry into the city council pork spending and slush fund, for fear it would derail their case. The inquiry requested by civil rights lawyer Norman Siegel under an arcane law, would require a parade of public officials to publicly testify under a grant of immunity. It not about Siegel ongoing suit which seeks to invoke a a rarely used City Charter provision to combat Tammany Hall corrupt in the 1870s but what happen to the U.S. Attorney Investigation. We know that since then Both Garcia and Lev Dassin have left to white shoe law firms. With the new U.S. for New York's Southern District Controlling the News: What Happen to the Council Slush Fund Investigation?

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