Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Spitzer To Cuomo: 'Answer The Hard Questions' »

Spitzer To Cuomo: 'Answer The Hard Questions' »

Former Gov. Eliot Spitzer is emerging as an outspoken defender of his replacement, David Paterson, and calling on would-be gubernatorial candidate AG Andrew Cuomo to announce his political intentions and discuss his platform.

Appearing on "Good Day New York" this morning, Spitzer again insisted he has no regrets in selecting Paterson to be his running mate, saying it was the then-Senate minority leader's legislative experience - and good relationship with then-Majority Leader Joe Bruno - that made him an appealing choice.

Asked by Greg Kelly about Cuomo, Spitzer replied (at roughly the 2:14 mark):

"If he’s going to run for governor, which is, it’s his right to do, of course, then he should answer the hard questions. How would his budget differ? How would he get the bills through the Legislature relating to ethics relating to the reform we need in New York State? In other words, answer the hard questions. Where would his program differ from the existing governor’s?"

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