Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monserrate Committee Created Without Monserrate's Vote »

The committee that will sit judgment on Sen. Hiram Monserrate and decide whether he will be further disciplined, or perhaps even ousted, following his conviction on a misdemeanor assault charge was formally created this afternoon via a bipartisan Senate voice vote.

No "nays" were heard in the chamber when the resolution was brought up for consideration by LG Richard Ravitch, who is formally presiding over the Senate for the first time since the Court of Appeals ruled in September that his appointment by Gov. David Paterson was constitutional.

There is no official roll call. Monserrate was not present for the vote. (A source close to Monserrate said he was "stuck in traffic" and didn't purposely skip the vote. The senator made it to the Capitol in time for Paterson's speech).

Also missing were: Kevin Parker, Ruben Diaz Sr. (he's still in Puerto Rico), Tom Duane (who buried his mother over the weekend), Bill Larkin, Montgomery, and Stephen Saland,

As per the Senate rules, those lawmakers have until 5 p.m. today to check in and be moved from the "absent" column to the "present" column.

Excused from today's session were: Marty Golden, Ruth Hassell-Thompson (who is a member of the committee), Shirley Huntley, Owen Johnson, Carl Marcellino, Tom Morahan and Velmanette Montgomery.

Prior to the vote, Sen. Andy Lanza, a Republican member of the Monserrate committee, urged his colleagues to consider making the body truly bipartisan by adding another member of the minority so both parties would be evenly represented.

Lanza said the committee is charged with proceeding in a manner that is "unfettered" and free of political pressure to truly represent its "client" - the "integrity of this Senate body."

There are currently four Republicans and five Democrats on the committee, which is being chaired by Sen. Eric Schneiderman.

Senate Minority Leader Dean Skelos named Lanza, John Flanagan, James Alesi and Cathy Young to serve on the committee and also tapped Sen. Elizabeth Little to be the fifth member if the Democrats would agree to add her.

They did not.

The Democratic members of the Monserrate committee met informally earlier today. All nine members are scheduled to have their first meeting at 5 p.m. this afternoon.

Video 5 0 00 36-27

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