Thursday, September 17, 2009

PA runoff and race - Una Clarke SO Goes There: VIDEO!

At an endorsement newser for Public Advocate hopeful Bill de Blasio, former City Councilwoman Una Clarke just dropped the race bomb on Mark Green.

Clarke, who had backed Green’s 2001 bid for mayor, went off on the former public advocate and consumer advocate over that campaign’s flyer flap.

Here, after a painful delay, is the Brawl's video:

Una Clarke on Mark Green, Bill de Blasio from Celeste Katz on Vimeo.

“And someone asked me, ‘Why are you standing with Bill? And I know you supported his opponent in the past.’ And I said, ‘All of that relationship broke in \[2001\] when I sat in front of P.S. 2 on Parkside Avenue and said to the candidate then, ‘Something awful has happened, for which you must take action right away.’ And he looked at me and said, ‘I am 18 points ahead. What do you think can happen overnight?’ And I said, ‘Someone don’t have to take a gun to kill you. Somebody can stab you, and you could bleed to death.’

“And after that, I just know it was a divisive thing to have someone kissing the tail of somebody else in a picture all over the community. I think it was a disgrace, I think it was divisive. And if you ask me, as an immigrant and as a black woman, I think it was racist...”

This isn't the first time Clarke, mom of Rep. Yvette Clarke, has gone after Green over the flyer issue. (Read our story here.)

Green, who denied involvement, was cleared of any wrongdoing in the matter after a lengthy investigation by the DA.

Clarke’s broadside somewhat upstaged the hearty endorsement of current public advocate Betsy Gotbaum, who leaves office at the end of the year, as well as a slew of other elected officials, including Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and others. (Read the official de Blasio release after the jump.)

De Blasio, asked about her comments, said he considered the flyers grossly inappropriate, but would take Green "at his word" if he said he wasn't involved.


New York - Current Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum today endorsed Bill de Blasio to succeed her as Public Advocate, citing de Blasio’s record of fighting for New Yorkers on the critical issues of today. Gotbaum was joined by a number of de Blasio’s other elected supporters in calling for new leadership to provide a strong future for the office.

“From fighting homelessness and hunger, to giving parents of special needs students a stronger voice in education, Betsy has continually advocated for New Yorkers in need, and I am extremely proud to receive her support. New Yorkers want and need a Public Advocate for today, someone who has been active on the issues of the here and now. This is what I have done in the Council, and it is what I will do as Public Advocate,” said Bill de Blasio.

“Having worked with Bill on critical issues over the last eight years, I know he is the best choice to be New York’s next Public Advocate.
Bill is the candidate in this race who can build coalitions to help make City Hall more responsive to the needs of all New Yorkers. Bill’s vision will provide a real future for the Public Advocate’s office and I am proud to endorse him today,” said Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum.

"I, like so many other New Yorkers, want fresh, new ideas and leadership in the Public Advocate's office. Bill is a positive and intelligent force for good in this city and vastly better equipped to deliver that to us," said Freddy Ferrer.

De Blasio and Gotbaum have joined forces on a number of key issues affecting working New Yorkers over the past eight years. This spring, they called on the City to extend food stamp benefits for able-bodied adults, following an extension on the federal level by the Obama Administration. Gotbaum was also a strong proponent of the coalition de Blasio led last fall to stop the Mayor’s attempt to silence the will of the voters and extend term limits.

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