Thursday, January 8, 2009

Rachel Maddow On "Daily Show": "Insulted," "Embarrassed" By Bush, MSNBC Compared To Munsters

Rachel Maddow appeared on "The Daily Show" Wednesday night, where she and Jon Stewart discussed the MSNBC family, President-Elect Obama's policy knowledge, and George Bush's Blair House snub of the incoming First Family.

Stewart opened the interview by telling Maddow hers is "a lovely voice to have out there on the air," and then he compared MSNBC anchors to the Munster family.

"Ever see The Munsters?" he asked. "Here's what I think when I watch MSNBC: you're Marilyn," referring to the only normal member of a family of monsters. "But everyone else over there is **** nuts. I'm not gonna tell you who Herman Munster is, but I will tell you I believe Chris Matthews is the dragon who lives under the stairs."

"You know, I'm new there!" Maddow shot back.


Maddow explained that she doesn't watch cable news because she doesn't have a TV — "I watch you on the online machine," she said to Stewart — but that she tries to stand out as a different voice from the "homogenized" landscape of cable news.

The two then discussed Maddow's debates with Pat Buchanan (Grandpa Munster in Stewart's analogy) and her interviews with Barack Obama, who she described as "a policy dork."

"I don't necessarily agree with him on everything on policy, but I want him to care," she said of the President-Elect, adding that Bill Clinton's policy-obsession was one of his most endearing traits as President.

"I know this is a small thing," Maddow then said, "but I'm insulted as an American, and a little bit embarrassed as an American, that a guy whose salary I pay, President Bush, has decided that the First Family can't stay in the Presidential guest house."

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