Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hot New Trend: Local Pols Telling Off the Man

Posted by Roy Edroso at 3:59 AM, October 31, 2008

Councilmember and Mayoral candidate Tony Avella tells the Times what he told Bloomberg when he called Avella after the term limits vote to ask him to "consider the matter." Avella told Bloomberg that what he had done "was clearly a disgrace," and "he can justify his own actions however he wants; but what he did was still wrong and he dealt a fatal blow to democracy in this city." Avella says he's running for mayor because he's "fed up." Buy that man a beer. Also, in the YouTube video above, you can watch Representative Nydia Velazquez telling the city's Land Use Subcommittee what a load the Willets Point plan is, calling it a "land grab" and asking "who does the city really think is going to pay top dollar for a condo here?" Queens Crap, from whom we got this, advises you "watch the Tweeders' faces as she testifies."

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