Sunday, September 7, 2008


Approximately one hour ago, I was documenting a visit by Pedro Espada campaigning in the Bronx. As you are aware, YFP has been chronicling the Espada escapade from the moment that he declared his candidacy for Senator of the 33rd district in the Bronx. And as you are also aware, there were times when the dialogue became contentious, but never escalated to physical contact.

Today was the exception. With little provocation, I was surrounded by Espada and his handlers after he consented to speak with me. Within minutes, I was assaulted. Espada never attempted to stop the assault. You will hear him state "This is to teach you manners Papa." They broke my camera and they tried to break me.

I write this as I am en route to the hospital. If this is an indication of who will lead the 33rd district, it is wrong. Simply put, we do not need a thug to govern us.


  1. Jesus you people are too much, bad enough you put more garbage online but to think you lie and post a video to prove how full of crap you are. Let me be the 1st to point out that the person you are harassing did not even come close to you.
    While you should re title it something like "God Don't Like You" Or "Fake Reporter Fakes Injuries".
    Im sure you will leave your lies alone(not like you have PRIDE). After all soon you will have to find another way to make a "living" if that's what you call this.

  2. Who says " I'll teach you manners Papa" but a thug. Whether it was Espada or one of his cronies, it shows the state of Bronx politics. It stinks!!!

  3. Deaf and dumb doesnt sound like an appology for lies, Listen if you can carefully he says "He was trying to teach you manners Papa" speaking in refference to you sticking a camera in peoples faces, and finally someone seeing it as a danger to a man who is more important than you. Dont be jealous, your so pathetic and at least reprint a correct title since we established its not him. (Once again a test to your pride) Did you know every Newspaper in history prints retractions when there wrong. I guess this is what makes this news so crappy eventhough you know your wrong, You wont be a man and be honest.

  4. By the look of these replies it seems like they are Pedro's goons!

    They are FBI targets.

    For years I have been telling people not to trust these thugs.

    When your neighborhood out numbers smart, savy and well educated people by thugs, then nothing will ever get accomplished. Then again, thugs voting for thugs that represent the ghetto neighborhood is something to be expected.

    You can put on any social masks that may exist in the world, in the end it all spells out this way:

    "You can take a person out of the ghetto, but you can't take a ghetto out of a person!"

  5. Pedro Espada is a wanna be thug, his son is just like his Papa...
    I wonder if they'll be able to thug it out in prison???

    Espada would like to throw crumbs at the poor people he is stealing money from...he lives in MAMARONECK, and not THE BRONX.

    Bobby Kennedy would have made mince meat of Espada.
    Unfortunately, so many politicians have failed in their ability to distinguish right from wrong.

    Mr. Martinez is a HERO. Anyone who supports Espada is a COWARD.

  6. Wait a minute... what's is his name? I think you are kidding because Pedro Espada is my daddy and I thought he was dead, seriously. I need more information about him! My number is 705 - 858 - 896 call me please.
