Thursday, July 10, 2008


The gentrification of Harlem has risen to the level of absurdity. The March issue of W, a prominent fashion magazine featured a spread called Harlem Daze. However, not one Black or Latino model was featured in the issue. All shots were done on Harlem.

Valentino’s multicolored sequined silk tulle dress, at Valentino. Kenneth Jay Lane earrings; Stocking Showcase Inc. hosiery; Louis Vuitton shoes.
“Sexy looks that are a good girl-bad girl mix—soft sweaters, short skirts—reflect the early-Sixties style of Room at the TopA Taste of Honey, transplanted to present-day Harlem in an unexpected twist.”

Photographed by Craig McDean
Styled by Alex White
Courtesy Wmagazine

Harlem daze.(Letters: Readers React)(Letter to the editor)
May 1, 2008
Parker, Vicki L.
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craig mcdean harlem days Copyright information COPYRIGHT 2008 Fairchild Publications, Inc. This material is published under license from the publisher through the Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan. All inquiries regarding rights should be directed to the Gale Group.

As a woman of color originally from the New York area, I was appalled by March's "Harlem Days," styled by Alex White and photographed by Craig McDean. I was hoping you would have one model of color (African American, Latino or even Asian) in the piece, but instead you had all Anglos! What were you thinking? Walk down any Harlem street, any time of day or ...

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