Wednesday, July 9, 2008

$40 Million Health Care Campaign Launched

$40 MILLION LAUNCH SUCCESSFUL - Yesterday, crowds of Citizen Action members and other coalition partners gathered in Albany, Binghamton, and Buffalo to announce the launch of a new national campaign called Health Care for America Now (HCAN). HCAN represents a historic coming together of more than 100 national and state-based groups that represent labor, community organizations, doctors, nurses, small businesses, faith-based organizations, people of color, netroots activists, and think tanks - in a time when there's an exciting mood in the country for changing our broken health care system. The formation of HCAN was announced in over 50 cities in the nation today, including 38 state capitals! The multi-million dollar campaign - one of the largest single-issue efforts in modern-day progressive politics - will give us the muscle to take on the health insurance companies and others who have stood in the way of reform for decades.

Richard Kirsch, co-director of Citizen Action for the past 20 years, has taken a leave of absence to be the national campaign manager for HCAN.

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