Saturday, June 14, 2008


The Human Rights Watch International Film Festival which runs through June 26 will present the U.S. premiere of The Dictator Hunter, by Dutch director Klaartje Quirijns on June 15-17. The film explores the efforts of Reed Brody of Human Rights Watch, and Souleymane Guengueng, a Chadian refugee now exiled in New York, to bring former president Hissène Habré of Chad to trial for killing thousands of his own countrymen in the 1980s.

'If you kill one person, you go to jail. If you kill 40 people, they put you in an insane asylum. But if you kill 40,000 people, you get a comfortable exile with a bank account in another country, and that?s what we want to change here.'

- Reed Brody, Counsel, Human Rights Watch
'Wonderfully suspenseful' The camera loves Reed Brody, a frumpy, eloquent, razor-sharp American human rights lawyer'- The Toronto Globe and Mail
Klaartje Quirijns, Reed Brody and Souleymane Guengueng will be present!
Please join us Monday for the 6:30 show - Arrive early (around 6) to be sure to get in or buy tickets online. Admission is $11.
Walter Reade Cinema
165 W 65th St Uppr LEVEL
New York, NY 10023

(See the full schedule of the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival at The festival runs from Jun 12-26. You can buy tickets online!)

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