Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Jose Rivera's opponents support rival candidate for seat on Civil Court bench
Tuesday, May 27th 2008, 4:00 AM
Warga/NY Daily News

Councilman Larry Seabrook may see his daughter Latisha face ex-Councilman Larry Warden in the race for Warden's old northeast Bronx seat.
The Rainbow Rebellion of black, white and Latino legislators against Bronx Dem Party Boss Jose Rivera has, to quote Assemblyman Ruben Diaz Jr., "drawn a line in the sand."

The rebels - along with sympathizer, party secretary and Assemblywoman Aurelia Greene - are backing their own candidate in the Sept. 9 primary for an open slot on the Bronx Civil Court bench - Elizabeth Taylor, an African-American woman out of Greene's South Bronx district.

The party is backing Maria Matos, incoming president of the Puerto Rican Bar Association.
In case you're just catching up, manning the rebel barricades besides Rubencito are Assemblymen Jeff Dinowitz, Carl Heastie and Michael Benjamin. But we're hearing there may be some surprise defections coming from Jose's camp.

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