Monday, April 28, 2008


Cardinal Egan criticizes Rudy Giuliani for taking Communion
Updated Monday, April 28th 2008, 5:39 PM

Hey Rudy: Taking Holy Communion at the papal mass was a sin.
An angry Edward Cardinal Egan pounded New York's former mayor Rudolph Giuliani from his Internet pulpit Monday for taking the Eucharist during Pope Benedict's historic mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral.
"The Catholic Church clearly teaches that abortion is a grave offense against the will of God," Egan said in a statement on the archdiocesan Web site.

"Throughout my years as Archbishop of New York, I have repeated this teaching in sermons, articles, addresses, and interviews without hesitation or compromise of any kind."
Egan said he had "an understanding" with the failed Republican presidential candidate "that he was not to receive the Eucharist because of his well-known support of abortion."
With his third wife Judith beside him, the twice-divorced Giuliani received communion from a priest standing near the Pope on April 19.

"I deeply regret that Mr. Giuliani received the Eucharist during the Papal visit here in New York, and I will be seeking a meeting with him to insist that he abide by our understanding," he said in a statement.
There was no immediate response from Giuliani.

Giuliani is not the only pro-choice politician who received Holy Communion during the papal visit. So did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senators John Kerry, Christopher Dodd and Edward Kennedy at Nationals Park in Washington.
Nevertheless, Pope Benedict remains adamant that Roman Catholic politicians who support abortion rights should be deprived of Communion.

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