Sunday, February 17, 2008


Ironically, Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carriόn early in his
tenure chided subsidized stadium proposals, saying: “It has to be schools over stadiums. It has to be our children first.” But by 2005, he became one of the project’s biggest cheerleaders.

The Borough President’s support for the project was critical and Yankee officials worked hard to garner it. Yankee President Levine gave Carriόn
$2,000 for his 2005 re-election campaign, according to New York City Campaign Finance Board records.

Carriόn is the only local Democrat to whom Levine, a Republican, has contributed. The YES
Network and its employees also contributed $9,850 in 2003 to Carriόn’s 2005 re-election.
The YES Network is a cable television station owned by the Yankees’ holding company.

Executives at Tishman Speyer, the developer of the stadium, also contributed to Carriόn. Chairman Robert Tishman gave Carriόn $1,000 in May of 2003 and its managing director of development Valerie Peltier contributed another $1,000 in March of 2004.

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