Saturday, December 29, 2007


(Dana Rishpy)
As 2007 nears it's end, the saga of three women in Central American countries deserves commentary. Natalee Holloway, an eighteen year old American girl visited Aruba and disappeared. Suspicion still surrounds three suspects, but the case was recently closed.

Eric Volz, an American magazine publisher was recently released from jail in Nicaragua where he served time for allegedly killing his Nicaraguan girlfriend. Many Nicaraguans believe he is guilty.

Dana Rishpy, a 24 year old Israeli remains missing after nine months in Mexico. American principal suspect, Mathew Walshin remains elusive somewhere in California. However, an article in the FORWARD newspaper 12/26/07 details the following:

Answers have been hard to come by in this case. The Mexican federal authorities took the unusual step of opening their own probe a few weeks ago, but only after months of complaints from the Rishpy family about the investigation conducted by the authorities in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo, along with a damning exposé of the case in a leading Mexican paper and a direct appeal by Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishai to Mexico’s president, Felipe Calderon.

YFP has followed this case from the inception. Walshin, despite comments from friends and fans is yet to come forward with specific information regarding the night of Dana's disappearance. Steven Warren Miller, who was in his company also remains silent. Now that the President of Mexico has been made aware of the case, perhaps the investigation will take a more thorough turn. And as for Walshin's innocence, Dana's mother states the following:

Dania Rishpy has only one message for Walshin: “If you are innocent, why don’t you just tell us what you know? Why don’t you help us find our daughter?”


  1. The way you have portrayed Mati as the killer...It is no wonder why he is hiding.Good luck in the search for dana...please be aware that there are many inncocent people out there suffering because of the judgments you as a journalist have. The finger has been pointed at many people in tulum,but the finger needs to point to the police who are doing nothing.they are guilty as much as anyone
