Wednesday, October 3, 2007


ELECTION 2008'Christian revolt' against Giuliani brewing3rd-party challenge to Republicans grows more likely
Posted: October 3, 20071:00 a.m. Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi© 2007

Rudy Giuliani"A lot of conservative Christians will never vote for Rudy Giuliani," says pastor, commentator and radio talk host Chuck Baldwin.
"Giuliani is unabashedly pro-choice," Baldwin argued in an interview with WND, "He is the most pro-abortion candidate the Republican Party has."
Baldwin is the pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Fla., a frequent commentator and a prominent member of the Constitution Party.

"A growing number of Christian values voters believe Giuliani's open support of abortion disqualifies him from ever being president," Baldwin said. "A revolt against the Republican Party from within is gaining momentum, and Giuliani's front-runner status has galvanized opposition from the ranks."

As WND reported, some of the top leaders in Christian pro-family activism – including James Dobson of Focus on the Family – met in Salt Lake City last weekend to plot a strategy should Giuliani or another supporter of legalized abortion be nominated by the Republican Party as its presidential candidate.

The Constitution Party, which will hold a strategy session in Council Bluffs, Iowa, later this month, is expected to launch a third-party challenge for the presidency in 2008.
"Right now, I don't intend to be the Constitution Party's presidential candidate," Baldwin told WND. "But the case for a strong third party challenge grows stronger every day."

Giuliani's problems with the Republican base were compounded in April when he issued an "in your face statement" that the Republican Party has to "get over" issues like opposing abortion.
Echoing themes advanced by President Bush's adviser Karl Rove, Giuliani has urged the Republican Party to move to the political center, arguing, "Our party is going to grow, and we are going to win in 2008 if we are a party characterized by what we're for, not if we're a party that's known for what we're against."

A growing number of Christian leaders on the political right disagree, especially if the Republican Party decides to tolerate abortion as a strategy to gain voters in 2008.
"I'm tired of being threatened by the Republican Party that if I don't support Giuliani or one of their other pro-abortion front-runners, Hillary Clinton will be elected president," Baldwin stated.

Nor are Christian leaders who have traditionally supported Republican Party candidates responding to the threat that Sen. Clinton will win unless they hold their noses and support Giuliani.
"There is no way I am going to vote for a Republican candidate who has a history of supporting abortion, regardless of who wins the presidency as a consequence of that decision," Baldwin said.
Baldwin also objected to Giuliani's globalist tendencies and his active support of the Trans-Texas Corridor.
"Giuliani's law firm is also deeply tied into the construction of the NAFTA Superhighway," Baldwin pointed out. "Giuliani would advance the Bush administration's Security and Prosperity Partnership agenda toward a North American Union, in a manner that would seriously threaten United States sovereignty."

WND reported Giuliani's Houston law firm, Bracewell & Giuliani, is the sole legal representative of Cintra, an investment consortium in Spain.
Cintra has signed with the Texas Department of Transportation, TxDOT, a definitive comprehensive development agreement to build the four-football-fields wide Trans-Texas Corridor, TTC-35, parallel to Interstate 35 from the southern tip of Texas at Laredo to the Texas border with Oklahoma, passing Austin, San Antonio and Dallas in the process.
According to the agreement, Cintra will own the operating and toll rights on TTC-35 for 50 years after the superhighway is completed.

The agreement promises Spain investment returns, with the option to exercise non-compete clauses preventing TxDOT from developing competing freeways, including I-35, as alternatives to the TTC-35 toll road.
"We have to quit voting for Republican Party candidates like robots," Baldwin argued. "We've been mind-numbed into decades of demonizing liberals. Being conditioned to vote Republican is not good enough anymore, not when the Republican Party sees no problem promoting open pro-abortion candidates as their presidential front-running candidates."
Baldwin concluded: "Were tired of the Republican Party lie. Rudy Giuliani is the last straw. We're saying 'no more,' even if it means the end of the Republican Party."

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