Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Monday, September 17, 2007

Mayor: 1st amendment not applicable in Queens
Here comes the story of a city commiss- ioner who threatens to withhold city services from a community group because the mayor didn't like a sign that was held up by a protester at one of their rallies. Here is the letter in its entirety:Get that? NYC citizens are now expected to censor each other so as not to piss off the dictator. God bless America.

The person who wrote the letter is the Commissioner of the Mayor's Community Affairs Unit, the Iranian born, Massachusetts bred, 30-year old Nazli Parvizi, whose views on free speech make me believe that the "L" in her first name may be a mistake... (Photo from Gothamist)CAU is supposed to act as a liaison between the government and the community. Apparently, they aren't listening very carefully. Perhaps the response letter from their constituents will wake them up.

My favorite part:"...[our] role is not to censor the free speech of private individuals who are expressing themselves on public property. Our role is not to shield the government from unwanted criticism. From your letter I get the impression that perhaps you need to brush up on your knowledge of the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Perhaps you also need to be reminded that every member of this administration has the duty to serve our interests; we do not have any obligation to serve yours. You work for us, not the other way around."
Posted by Queens Crapper at 4:57 PM 30 comments Links to this post

1 comment:

  1. This is how much respect Bloomberg has for the communities of NYC. He hires a 30-year old caterer who has already made some major mistakes in her new role.

    Believe it or not the real reason Bloomberg promoted Nazli is she often dresses inappropriately for the office. She likes to wear low cut blouses. Bloomberg sometimes is caught staring at her... if you know what I mean. Sorry Diana.
