Sunday, August 5, 2007


Dana Rishpy is still missing. The hurricane season will soon begin in Mexico and clues, witnesses, and memories will disappear in the wind. Matthew Walshen and friends who were last seen with Dana have yet to appear or be interviewed by the police.

Their anonymous postings to this blog declared Matthew's innocence. The postings also speculated that Matthew would "soon come forward". Despite his so called innocence, he has not surfaced. And although the messages state that in Mexico, you are guilty until proven innocent.....then what does he believe would point to his guilt?

The Mexican government has closed the case. But for her family, the search for answers continues. The Mayan people, indigenous to the area, believe that everything in nature has a spirit. Trees, flowers. birds, etc. Even though Matthew won't speak, eventually the earth, the water or some one's good spirit will. See and hear Dana in the Suitorz video above.


  1. this thing caused a really mess in that moment, but for luck for us, we live far away from the affected zone, my condolences for all the affected people.

  2. Wow that looks like a bad hurricane and my name is Dana too, bad Dana!!!!! Lol
