Wednesday, May 16, 2007


The case of the missing woman, Dana Rishpy still goes unsolved. However, on Saturday, police found an abandoned vehicle near Tulum registered to a Matthew Ryan Walshin. There was evidence of blood and a broken window. Walshin was the last person to see Dana before her disappearance. Investigators have discovered that Wilson has a history of sexual assault in Oregon. He is wanted for questioning and is believed to be in either California or Oregon. Walshin is known around Cancun and the Mayan Riviera. He was in the area between mid February and the later part of April.

This case has received no publicity in the US. Mainstream media is yet to investigate the findings. As citizen journalists, it is important that we spread the word. We live in a global community and one of us is missing.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Matthew Ryan Walshin, (d.o.b. 12/22/68) male white, please write to this blog.






  2. Can you please put some pictures out of this guys, so that he can be found! I was in Tulum the week before, and I met Maty at Mezzanine. A lot of people know him. Let's get his face out there, so that we can find Dana.

  3. I am so saddedned by Dana's situation and I so agree that to find Matthew Ryan Wilson his picture needs to be made very public.
    Dana is not the only person in jeopardy from this man.

  4. I am so saddedned by Dana's situation and I so agree that to find Matthew Ryan Wilson his picture needs to be made very public.
    Dana is not the only person in jeopardy from this man.

  5. It is also your responsibility as a "citizen journalist" to check facts before you spread the same unsubstantiated slander that Por Esto and the other local papers "report".

    1)His last name is not Wilson (it is Walshen) and he is NOT the same person mentioned in the report linked above about a gang/drug bust.

    2)His truck was not found "abandoned", it was found in front of the house he rented, where everyone in town knew he lived. The police broke the window to the truck to search it. He also bought the truck 3 WEEKS after Dana went missing and 3 WEEKS after he had contacted her parents to tell them she had disappeared.

    3)He contacted her sister and her parents when she never showed up at the cabana they were sharing. He has been in contact with them and told them everything he knows. They have his full correct name, phone number, and email if they want to contact him for further questioning.

    4)In the time between when he contacted her family and reported that she had not come back to the cabanas for her stuff, and the time when the cops showed up in Tulum looking for him, he was in the local grocery store every day, riding his bike around, talking and meeting with all kinds of people. He was very visible and clearly not hiding. He rented an apartment 50 steps from the main road in town and was seen in broad daylight in the main shopping center on a daily basis.

    It is not yet known what happened to Dana, and everyone in this very small town feels very sorry for her and her family. We all hope she is found soon. Matthew should come forward and I think he will soon, but people should also remember that there is a very different legal system here, where the burden of proof is on the accused. Just because someone is wanted for questioning does not mean they are guilty or have even been charged, and it is certainly not responsible or fair to try him in the press as you seem to want to do here.

  6. You addressed all of the issues except for the allegation of Wilson or Walshen's criminal history of sexual assault in Oregon. Well?

  7. Monsters and CriticsAmericas

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    Americas News
    US citizen sought over Israeli tourist missing near Cancun

    May 15, 2007, 18:19 GMT

    Cancun, Mexico - Mexican authorities said Tuesday that they were searching for a US citizen in connection with the disappearance of an Israeli tourist in March near the eastern Mexican resort town of Cancun.

    Public prosecutor Bello Melchor Rodriguez told Cancun's Enfoque Radio that he has asked Mexico's Foreign Ministry and Interpol to find Matthew Ryan Wilson, believed to be back in the United States.

    Israeli citizen Dana Rishpy, 25, had arrived in the Latin American country four days before she went missing on March 31. Her family reported her missing 15 days later.

    Wilson was the last person seen with the young woman. His van, with Oregon state licence plates, was found abandoned on Saturday near the Mexican city of Tulum, with blood stains and a broken window, Melchor Rodriguez said.

    Preliminary investigations on Wilson by US authorities indicate that he has a criminal record for sexual assault in the state of Oregon.

    Wilson, who is known in the area around Cancun, stayed in Mexico's Mayan Riviera between February 13 and April 7.

    Over her first few days in Mexico, Rishpy visited Isla Mujeres and Playa del Carmen, on the Caribbean. On March 31 she moved on to Tulum, near Cancun, where she was last seen at the nightclub of the Hotel Mezanine.

    Rishpy's belongings, including all her travel documents, were found in her hotel.

    Several foreign tourists have been murdered or died in accidents near the resort of Cancun.

    Last year, a Canadian couple was brutally murdered in their room at the hotel Barcelo Maya de Playa del Carmen, in a case which has not yet been solved. Authorities suspect that people who travelled with them were in involved in the crime.

    Months earlier, the dead bodies of a Spanish woman and an Italian man were found near the Tulum archeological site. The woman had been raped, and two young Mexican men were arrested in connection with the case.

    © 2007 dpa - Deutsche Presse-Agentur

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    page: 1

    ChrisMay 16th, 2007 - 01:40:37

    The truck was purchased by mat weeks after she became missing. Also he was the first to contact the family about her missing. The truck was not abandoned,it was left at his apartment.The plates are to the previous owner...who was from oregon.the blood was not ided as hers...the 'por esto' says that it could even be of a dog. It's sad that this has happened to her, but it is also sad that he is also missing.I knew the guy and these accusions are not helping a situation that is already messed up. my heart goes out to everyone mixxed up in this.

    LisaJun 4th, 2007 - 16:24:34

    I think if you know Matthew Ray Willson then you send his picture to the police in Mexico.and if he is a nice gay, then way the US authorities say he has a criminal record for sexual assault. maybe you are Matthew? he is not missing he is hiding.

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  8. The reference to Matthew's criminal record in Oregon is completely false. Before making these libelous assertions, they hsould check it out further. They will find that there is no criminal history for Matthew. The hope is that Dana will be found alive, however, Matthew did not have anything to do with her disappearance.

  9. It has been checked out. Matthew did considerable time for sexual assault in an American prison.

  10. Matthew never did time for sexual assault in an american prison.Everything your free press has printed concerning his record is false and is slanderous and libel and should cease. The truck is not in his name as you reported.As it is still in the previous owners name. The mexican authorities broke the window.He also got the truck three weeks after her disappearance. He absolutely had nothing to do with dana's disappearance. He was the one who told the family she was missing in the first place. He also had several friends that were with him when dana went missing. We all want dana to be found alive. I am afraid Matthew is being scape goated unfairly after trying to help the family. From the time Matthew reported dana missing on april 7 it took her family another 8 days to tell the authorities and an another 11 days after that to start the search. How come it took 19 days? Lets find out what really happened to dana.You should really check the facts before printing false reports that damage the real investigation.Just because por esto printed it does not mean that is factual or even true.

  11. Anonymous:

    Thank you for your post. It is through dialogue that we can find truth.

    1. You state that Mathew "bought" the car. According to Oregon DMV, when you buy a car, you are given a title. Th
    en, the car is registered in the name of the buyer. It would be highly unusual for Mathew to own a car with the plates and registration of the previous owner.

    2. On the issue of the car being abandoned. That is open to interpretation. It appeared to have been there for a while and the owner did not show up to claim it.

    3. AS far as Dana's parents are concerned, they appear to have done whatever was necessary to gather the forces to search for her.

    4. The Mexican newspapers have several variations on Mathew's name. i.e. Walshin, Walshing, Wilshin, Wilson, Walshen. There is a record of Mathew Walshen having served 5 years in prison for rape. If your Mathew can verify his whereabouts for the five years that the "other" Mathew was a guest of the government, then we are not talking about the same person.

    5.The Mexican papers and other corroborated sources are linking your Mathew to the disappearance of Dana Rishpy. YFP is NOT! We understand how frightening and frustrating it must be to be feel wrongly accused. So, YFP is offering a forum to Mathew. If he can provide us with either an audio or videotape of his side of the story, we will post it on the blog. worked for Bin Laden, right? Perhaps then, his statements will clarify the facts for Por Esto, and the other newspapers.

    "Sometimes you're the pigeon. And're the statue".

  12. I hope for the best for Dana and her family. FYI, when a car is sold by one individual to another, title does not automatically transfer. It stays in the name of the previous owner until the new buyer as a chance to notify the state DMV of new ownership. I imagine in Matthew's case, the truck was still registered to the person he bought it from.


    Report Number 07-17543
    On Tuesday September 18, 2007 at about 11:00 pm El Cerrito Police Officers responded to a report of a disturbance in the 11100 block of San Pablo Ave. After an investigation Matthew Walshin, a 38 year old male resident of Henderson, was arrested for assault. Walshin was released pending the filing of charges by the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s office.
    Any questions or inquiries regarding this incident should be referred to Detective Corporal Susan Garman (510-215-4418).

  14. Through Interpol, the mexican Police opened the file record DGAPII/5315/07 where it states that Matthew Ryan Walshin has a very wide criminal record in the US. The Sheriff's office in Santa Cruz county and Lakeport has registers that in 1989 he was accused of rape, resisting and obstruct police officers, and disobedience to court.

    In 1990 he was another time accused of rape and sexual agression and sentenced to 5 years probation and 180 days in jail. In 1993 he reincided, and was accused of sexual agression in Santa Cruz, and after in San Francisco.

    There are a number of declarations from people in Cancun who knew him (who said this as testimonials to police) that there he sexualy harrased women (mostly tourists) and wanted to have sexual relations with them against their will.

    The most probable cause for the previous posts that defend him is that it's Matthew writing.

  15. You're going down Mathew, and this time for life if someone doesn't castrate you first and make you eat it.

  16. And that someone can be anybody, right? A person that you met on a bus, that you share a cabin with, that you think he's a backpacker, in a pub, supermarket?

  17. que tan dificil puede ser toparte contigo Flor, y pedirte fuego para encender un cigarillo de noche en la calle?

    Quizas ahi te proponga ir juntos a un Xenote o a una fiesta Rave amenizada por Mati, el Hungaro, o cia.

  18. 1) Si es un acto delictivo "El Húngaro" sabe qué sucedió.

  19. 2) Si Flor es una amiga cercana al sospechoso, indudablemente conoce más datos sobre la desaparición.

    3)La única razón por la que el perito forense puede fallar en sus estudios, es porque lo amenazaron o sobornaron

    4) Si el perito fue amenazado la desaparición tiene que estar vinculada con alguien muy peligroso, temido en la zona incluso por la policía (que también puede estar sobornada)

    5)¿'El Húngaro' es esa persona temida y capaz de sobornar a cualquiera?

  20. I'm mexican and I know a little more how it works the system. DON'T QUIT!!!
    USE the media, it's the best way to push the goverment to do something.
    The eyes from the people are now looking this case, Newspapers are presenting a research all this week (10-4-07).
    FAmily, friends... contact the media, give enterviews, ask questions. I know it's hard for the family, but it will be fair for Dana.

  21. International Media pushes the government much more then national. Go to the NY Times, The Wshington Post, El Pais in Spain, the big News Papers. Contact ALL of them. That will get the central mexican government to do something. If their names are not menaced they wont do a thing.

  22. My thoughts and prayers are with Dana and her family. I am a Mexican too; the police/justice system is awful I know. Somebody has to know/saw something, keep insisting! If police is bribed you can always give them more money. Hire local trustful lowprofile people who can go asking every corner, rave-goers, parasits around tourists and so on.
    It was a very good idea to go to the Press.

  23. DON'T QUIT! keep insisting!

  24. Knowing mexican authorities, I think you should do more -sorry to tall you-.
    Judish community in mexico is very powerfull -I mean relationships with federal government-, so that it´s necesary to push president Calderón.
    If you let de case in local autorities (quintana roo state)nothing will happen.
    Try that the leader of your community in México get a meeting with Eduardo Medina Mora, General Attorney Office (PGR) and make a press conference in order to create a public effect.
    That way you could get that Dana´s case be atracted by federal police.
    Conact all tv news programs in méxico (Televisa y TV-Azteca).
    Try to make a lot of noise. Ask for president Calderón intervention...Truths mexico is de only way.

  25. There is a rumor that Mati is trying to cut a deel with the US police. He waz arrested las week for asault in california. He know he is a suspect in Mexico and does not want to get sint back. So they say that he is givin names of people involve in Dana disappearance and the drugs to. This way he is thinking that they keep him in the US. Que raton!

  26. Sr. y Sra. Rishpy ....

    Uds. deben buscar en el que conoce todas las cosas Dios.

    Uds. son Hebreos hijos de Abraham, Isaac y de Jacob...

    Que no se dan cuenta de eso por que buscan en donde no pueden encontrar ....

    Dios sabe que le paso a su Hija Dana...

    es cuestion de que Uds. le pregunten a en verdad CREEN... en DIOS...

    el tiene respuesta para Uds.
    si su hija esta Viva o esta Muerta...el sabe donde esta pidanle al El..

    El esta sobre todo PODER en el MUNDO...


  27. No puedo creer ke las autoridades de Quintana Roo no hagan nada, ke pena ke el sistema legal de nuestro pais este por los suelos. Como es posible ke protejan a criminales sabiendo quien fue o fueron los asesinos. Primero los Ianiero ahora Dana..cuantos mass. Y eso de ir a Cancun y a Playa del Carmen ya es peligroso ke miedo estar vacacionando y ke te maten en tu cuarto de hotel o te droguen y te secuestren. Hagan algo por favor!!!

  28. Gracias a las publicaciones sobre el caso en elperiódico reforma, se ha encontrado nueva evidencia sobre el caso, creo que desgraciadamente es imposible seguir seguir buscando la ayuda de las autoridades, se que la familia Rishpy son buenas personas, pero parece que es hora de tomar la justicia en sus manos.

  29. Den la nueva informacion que publico el diario Reforma a la pagina The most wanted from america

  30. Porque no intentar con el investigador que esta buscando a madeleine la niña britanica, al parecer con un buscador de gps puede localizar el adn y rastrear a la persona.

  31. Srs Rishpy
    Es una lastima todo por lo que han pasado por la desaparicion de su hija y mas lastima que las autoridades mexicanas no sigan investigando el caso de Dana, como es posible que en este pais pase todo esto y las autoridades no hagan nada, creanme que mucha gente en Mexico rogamos a Dios para que su hija aparezca, yo en lo personal pedire por ella y por que pronto tengan noticias.

  32. Como es posible que las autoridades mexicanas den carpetazo al caso de Dana diciendo que esta viva y anda en Guatemala, como es posible que se halla ido sin dinero, sin documentos y tener 6 meses sin reportatse con su familia cuando lo hacía seguido, no es lógico, no tiene ninguna lógica. Dont never give up !!

  33. Hola siento una pena profunda por la familia de Dana especialmente su madre, vivo en Texas y me entere por medio de la prensa en espanol, sigan insistiendo por medio de prensa y television tanto en Mexico como en Estados Unidos traten de encontrar a la familia que estuvo con ella en playa del carmen ellos podran ayudar a encontrar a mas pistas

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