Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Presidential contender Mitt Romney claims to be an avid hunter, although he hasn't fired a gun until recently. His opponent, Rudolph Giuliani also shoots. But in his case, it begins at his lips.

Back in the day, Giuliani was an advocate of hollow point bullets for police. Yet, he favored gun control. The hollow point bullet has deadly consequences. On impact, it expands to 160% of it's original size, leaving a huge hole. That's alright, according to Giuliani. Cops need all the help they can get. On the other hand, he states that gun control is a necessary deterrent to those who would seek that help in an unlawful manner.

This is one of the few political points that Giuliani has barely wavered from. The National Rifle Association is a powerful lobby. And if bears ever gain the right to vote, Giuliani could win points over that group. But until that time comes, seize the rare opportunity to view video where Rudy b.911 matches the Rudy of the moment. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7586737304468896678&pr=goog-sl

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