Sunday, March 25, 2007


On the road to becoming a Republican, Rudy Giuliani made a brief stop at the Liberal Party. The party is a third party alternative to the Democrats. It nominates candidates on the basis of “merit”, independence and progressive viewpoints regardless of party affiliation. In reality, the Liberal Party was a vehicle to secure patronage jobs from Mayor John Vliet Lindsay to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani. (The Liberal Party lost their place on the New York State ballot when they failed to get 50,000 voters in the state gubernatorial election of 2002) Heading the party was one Raymond Harding. A large, imposing man who “took no prisoners.” He and Rudy were political soul mates. So, it came as no surprise that when Rudy decided to run for mayor, Ray became his mentor.

After a false start followed by a marginal win, Rudy was ready to roll. And roll he did. Maintaining his allegiance to Ray, he hired his son Russell to the position of Housing Development Corporation Commissioner. An agency responsible for the development of housing for the poor. Despite his lack of experience, college degree and expertise, Harding commanded a six-figure salary. However, his lust for money, porn and racism superceded any accolades Giuliani could afford him. In 2001, 38-year-old Russell Harding was charged with a six-count indictment. Included were financial crimes and among his 1,500 pornography pictures were two child pornography violations.

He had ripped the city off in excess of $500,000 making purchases of DVD's SUV's, fancy meals and junkets with friends to exotic destinations. He even included his two packs a day cigarette habit. In an e-mail exchange with a friend, Harding is quoted as saying, “I sometimes wonder if you fully understand that I'm a pedophile who needs young boys to be totally happy.” “I’d love to find a kid in high school still though or younger...but it’s just too risky looking for that young anymore." Tim Robbins of the Village Voice provided an excellent account of the Harding saga in his reports. The quotes are from his articles. Spelling is written as appeared in the original quote although it may seem incorrect.

One would wonder that if Giuliani knew Russell since 1989 as he states, why the former prosecutor was not made aware. Perhaps the following Russell Harding quote provides some understanding. “My dad is always helping the mayor with projects for money making. And the mayor is always helping my dad as well.... he had my dad go over some contracts a while back about a company taking over the airports not only in the long run will the mayor profit from it...but my dad already has with doing the contract...they both have a wash each other’s back thing going.”

Although his father backed Hillary Clinton on the Liberal Party line when she ran for Senate, Russell Harding wasted no time in trashing her. ”She is a bitch and a cunt...She’s now leading the polls and may very well win...I think you know I’m a republican...I think she may actually be the devil.” “And her husband having his office in Harlem is a hoot...he and the blacks were made for each other...nothing but trash all of them...I think we need to move to a conservative all-white state like Idaho.”

Eventually Russell Harding plead guilty and is now serving out a 63-month sentence. His lawyers stated that he was bipolar. A poor excuse and a discredit to the real victims of bipolar disorder. The insanity defense did not work. Rudy Giuliani is yet to make a comment on the affair. In the meantime, his brother Robert Harding was seen chomping on a hot dog last week at the New York City Giuliani baseball fund-raiser. One can only wonder if he paid for it. See Rudy praise Russell Harding at

1 comment:

  1. Wow. This is interesting information. I'm interested in reading Part Two. But you have to proofread before you post an article. When you have grammatical errors, your case seems less credible.
