Friday, March 2, 2007


As Rudolph Giuliani continues to gain ground in the political arena, money and supporters are clamoring to jump on the bandwagon. And as Rudy counts his ducats, he may need to consult a drycleaner first. A former campaign contributor to Rudy b.911 was identified by the FBI as a member of a Russian crime syndicate whose company laundered millions of dollars.

Seymon Kislin, with family members and businesses donated $46,250 to the mayoral campaigns of Giuliani in 1993 and 1997. He also gave $8,000 to the Senate campaign of Chuck Schumer. Both pols deny any knowledge of Kislin's involvement with organized crime Although a 1994 report obtained by the AP claims that Kislin is a "member or associate" of a Brighton Beach crime operation headed by Vyacheslav Ivankov,the bureau has not pursued charges. Kislin's company, Trans Commodities, "is known to have laundered millions of dollars from Russia to New York." Kislin, a known aquaintance of Giuliani stated "I did a lot of fund raising for Giuliani...He's a good man doing a good job for the city of New York".

Giuliani in return reappointed Kislin to the board of the New York City Economic Development Corporation in 1999. This agency protects the cities job and economic base. Bloomberg did not continue the appointment and declined comment as to why.

One could only wonder as to why Giuliani continued his association after the information was made public by the Washington based Center for Public Integrity. Back in the day ,when Rudy was a prosecutor, he would have salivated at a scenario such as this. As of now, one could say "Physician, heal thyself." See video at :

1 comment:

  1. Your videos on Rudy Giuliani, are interesting, and informative in the light that he is running for the presidency. What strike me is that you are giving Rudy a lot of free publicity. What about videos of the other canditates, e.g. Hillary Clinton, another New Yorker. I have been reading your blog religiously, but since Hillary's announcement I have not read anything else on her, and for that matter on the other primary candidates. To be fair and balance I would like to read more about Hillary, Barak Obama, Richardson, John McCain, and other candidates that haven't made it to your blog. Pardon me if I am wrong, I do believe, Rudy is not running alone. Fred from Westchester
