Friday, January 26, 2007


By Rafael Martínez Alequín

Since the dreadful killing of Sean Bell, several elected and community leaders, within the Afro-American community are calling for the head of commissioner Kelly. This may play well with some of their constituencies, however, this is not the predominant view of a majority of Latinos and African Americans.

Raymon Kelly is probably one of the best police commissioners that the city of New York has ever had. Kelly, a Vietnam veteran, holds two masters and a law degree. Soft spoken and affable, Kelly worked in 25 precincts in thirty-one years. Some of those were in Harlem. Kelly, known for his class and consideration has been very instrumental in easing racial tension due to police shootings. He was one of the first to declare an unjustifiable shooting in at least three instances.

This particular opinion has been rare amongst previous commissioners. But, one can say that he has the “cojones” to call the shots as he sees them. Amidst criticism of the likes of Charles Baron, et al, Kelly remains the calm in the eye of the storm. There is and lamentably always will be a rift between the minority communities and the NYC Police Department. Perhaps this will change with an increase in minority recruitment. But as long as the department is dominated with a GED, non-urban culture, opinions will remain the same.

Spend a few minutes on the cop website NYPD RANT. A real eye opener as to how many cops think. Kelly however is the glue that keeps the place together. And Kelly is the one who will continue to improve the rank and file. His is not an easy job. But, perhaps the Charles Barons of this world would do better chastising the mayor. Ray Kelly is a true blessing in blue.

Not one of those officials calling for commissioner Kelly’s resignation has yet to name a substitute to replace him. Perhaps, Councilmember Charles Barron and his cohorts are trying to resurrect Bull Connor to replace Kelly.

Mr. Wilbur Chapman, Former Chief of Patrol of the New York Police Department, and former New York City Commissioner of the Department Of Transportation said, “I have served under eleven police commissioners during the course of my 30 years in the Department, and Raymond Kelly is clearly the best commissioner this city has ever had. 1971 Sgt. Kelly appoints the first two black officers to the 23rd Precinct Anti-Crime Unit. The population of the Precinct was 90% Black and Latino. Only whites had been selected prior. 1992 Commissioner Kelly leads the largest minority recruitment drive in the history of the NYPD. He spends every weekend going to different Black churches. The drive yields 15,000 Blacks, 14,500 Latinos, and 1,000 Asians. 1993 Commissioner Kelly appoints Sandra Marsh as the first African American Deputy Commissioner of Equal Employment Opportunity and George Sanchez as the first Latino Deputy Commissioner of Recruitment. During his current term Kelly appointed the first two Latino Bureau Chiefs, Piñeiro and Estavillo and the first woman Bureau Chief Jaffe. He also assigned African American commanders to the 103, 105, and 113 Precincts. This is the first time in history that three African Americans have been assigned to Precincts in the same borough”

City Councilmember John Liu of Queens, said: “There does remain some gap between the community and the police, especially in communities of color. However, without the efforts and insight of Commissioner Kelly these past few years, that gap would be a chasm. This commissioner does in fact deserve much credit for strengthening police community relations"

The members of the police department are highly visible. Among them are bad apples that disregard department policies on how to conduct themselves with the public. We can’t paint the whole department with the stroke of a brush. There are more unsung heroes in the NYPD than malcontents.
Councilmember, Peter Vallone, said: “I think Kelly is one of the world's foremost experts on security and we are lucky to have him.” So, it is the task of Ray Kelly to continue the good job that he has done. Many are called, but few are chosen.

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